Let Him In by William Friend Spooky Debut Novel Let Him In by William Friend is a debut novel that immediately caught my attention with its striking cover and held it throughout its spine-tingling narrative. This story delves into the intricate web...
Rock Paper Scissors by Alice Feeney A Tale of Twists that Feel Forced I’ve just completed Alice Feeney’s latest book, “Good Bad Girl,” and let me tell you, it’s the kind of read that keeps you up all night! On the other...
Good Bad Girl by Alice Feeney Exploring the Complex Dance of Morality: As I sit down to pen my thoughts on ‘Good Bad Girl’, the resonating chords of ‘Rock Paper Scissors’ serve as a melodic backdrop, a reminder of my...
The Narrator by K.L. Slater Inconsistent Book Plot My emotions are a mix of happiness and sadness as I reflect upon this book. Having delved into numerous works by K.L. Slater, I am disappointed to find that “The Narrator” fell short for...
The Housemaid by Freida McFadden
The Housemaid by Freida McFadden Popcorn-Psych Thriller Mix This psychological thriller perfectly pairs with a bucket of popcorn. It’s a captivating and binge-worthy read, even though some elements may not be entirely believable. The story...
The Prisoner by B.A. Paris Intrigue and Tension When this book was initially released, I received an eARC, but life’s demands overwhelmed me, leaving no time to indulge in it. To make amends, I decided to purchase the audiobook as a gesture of...
Delicate Condition by Danielle Valentine A Gripping and Empowering Horror Experience I couldn’t resist requesting “Delicate Condition” on Netgalley after hearing it would be a central theme for American Horror Story – my...
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson A Captivating Gem: My Book Club's First Pick I was thrilled when this book became the inaugural choice for my work book club, and I proudly stand as the only member who completed it. To say that I...
Dirty Laundry by Disha Bose Friends in Low Places Ciara, Mishti, and Lauren are residents of a quaint Irish village, each with their own distinct backgrounds. Ciara appears to have a flawless life and family, while Mishti and Parth embody the...
Best Friends by Rebecca de Winter Thriller of Betrayal Rebecca de Winter’s “Best Friends” is an electrifying psychological thriller that plumbs the depths of friendship, love, and the most enigmatic aspects of human behavior...