Let Him In by William Friend Spooky Debut Novel Let Him In by William Friend is a debut novel that immediately caught my attention with its striking cover and held it throughout its spine-tingling narrative. This story delves into the intricate web...
The Intern by Michele Campbell Legal Thriller Done Right “The Intern” by Michele Campbell is a spine-tingling, thought-provoking legal thriller that will keep you at the edge of your seat from beginning to end. If reading could be a full...
The Narrator by K.L. Slater Inconsistent Book Plot My emotions are a mix of happiness and sadness as I reflect upon this book. Having delved into numerous works by K.L. Slater, I am disappointed to find that “The Narrator” fell short for...
The Housemaid by Freida McFadden
The Housemaid by Freida McFadden Popcorn-Psych Thriller Mix This psychological thriller perfectly pairs with a bucket of popcorn. It’s a captivating and binge-worthy read, even though some elements may not be entirely believable. The story...
The Prisoner by B.A. Paris Intrigue and Tension When this book was initially released, I received an eARC, but life’s demands overwhelmed me, leaving no time to indulge in it. To make amends, I decided to purchase the audiobook as a gesture of...
The Dollmaker by Morgan Shamy Enchanting Ambitions: A Tale of Murder, Ballet, and Contradictions I wanted to love this book, as it began with all the elements I enjoy in a compelling story. Set in the early twentieth century, it revolves around a...
Dirty Laundry by Disha Bose Friends in Low Places Ciara, Mishti, and Lauren are residents of a quaint Irish village, each with their own distinct backgrounds. Ciara appears to have a flawless life and family, while Mishti and Parth embody the...
The Family Remains by Lisa Jewell
The Family Remains by Lisa Jewell Another Enjoyable Thriller I thoroughly relished “The Family Upstairs” and bestowed upon it a 5-star review. Considering its tremendous success both artistically and commercially, it was inevitable that...
The Devil You Know by P.J. Tracy A Good Read Although I had previously read the first book in this series, I opted to start with the third installment and now plan to go back and read the second as well. The author skillfully delves into the...
The Things We Do to Our Friends by Heather Darwent Friends Forever This book is a must-read for avid thriller fans who enjoy being swept away in a fast-paced story. Although I’m a bit late to the reviewing party, I thoroughly enjoyed it and...