Two Sides to Every Murder by Danielle Valentine

Unraveling Secrets
Two Sides to Every Murder by Danielle Valentine was one of my most anticipated reads of 2024. Life, however, got in the way, preventing me from finishing it in one sitting. Unlike Delicate Conditions, which I devoured all at once, this book took a bit longer. Despite that, it was a campy and fun read, worth every minute. I only wish it had been longer so I could spend more time with the characters.
The story begins with Olivia, who was born in the parking lot of Camp Lost Lake. After a school project reveals that her dad isn’t her biological father, she decides to work at the camp to uncover more about her true identity. Alongside her, her older sister Andie joins the search, leading to unexpected revelations about their family and themselves.
Meanwhile, Reagan, who has been on the run with her mother Lori for years, returns to Camp Lost Lake to clear her mother’s name. Lori was believed to have committed the camp murders before disappearing.
As Olivia investigates openly, Reagan is forced to dig for answers in the shadows. The camp’s eerie atmosphere is heightened by a new string of murders, putting the girls and their friends in a fight for survival. They uncover secrets about their pasts, facing the challenge of moving on from the dark history that threatens to upend their lives.
I thoroughly enjoyed watching the girls and their friends piece together the mystery. However, I had a significant issue with the introduction of potential romantic relationships while the characters were literally running for their lives. It didn’t feel realistic. Despite this, the writing was clear and concise, making for an engaging read. The vivid descriptions made me feel as if I were sneaking around the woods myself, hearing footsteps and the whoosh of arrows hitting nearby targets.
Danielle Valentine remains an instant-buy author for me. While I liked Two Sides to Every Murder, I can only give it three stars. I loved Delicate Conditions and already own How to Survive Your Murder, which I plan to read by the end of 2024. I’m eagerly waiting to see what she comes up with next.
Two Sides to Every Murder by Danielle Valentine