The Violence by Delilah S. Dawson

The Violence by Delilah S. Dawson

The Violence by Delilah S. Dawson

Fight Club 2.0

Many thanks to NetGalley, Del Rey, and Delilah Dawson for a gifted copy of this book.

This book intrigued me based on its cover. I have an addiction to anything remotely crime/horror so I thought this would be right up my alley. Sadly, I had a very hard time getting through it even though it was well written.  In a post-COVID world, there is a new deadly threat: The Violence. What is it? A disease, spread by mosquito, that takes the infected from 0-60 and leaves them in a blackout-type state where they demolish whatever or whoever stands in their way. Chelsea Martin, mother to teenage daughter Ella and 5-year-old Brooklyn.  In the first few chapters I found myself yelling at the abusive husband and Ella’s boyfriend in equal measure.  I was thrilled that a plan was constructed to get rid of the husband for a bit to give the girls a break from the abuse.  This book took me about three weeks give or take a day to read even though it was well written.  For me this had moments of greatness but because we are still going through the motions of covid that it was much to process.  Overall, it did have a storyline was well written which makes me hopeful for another read by this author. Three stars from me which is really good considering how much of a hard time I had with it.  Very interesting concept looking forward to seeing what comes next from this author.

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The Violence by Delilah S. Dawson

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It Was Good!
Book 9 of 1
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