So, I admit sadly this author
has gone unnoticed by me. Where have I been? I originally picked it up because
it was a buddy read for my reading group and I am so glad I did. My only problem is I am not sure how to word
this review without giving too much away. I originally borrowed it from my
local library, and I read it in three days. I was so wrapped up in the
characters and the story, I actually found myself craving more about the world
after finishing it. After that, I just knew I had to own it and make it part of
my permanent collection so now it is in my eBook collection. In all honesty I
am so surprised this was such a quick read for me because I often find that I
cannot connect with period pieces but this one will stay with me long after the
last page and let me just say the ending is a creepy one.
If you like thrillers, period pieces (this one is set in the Victorian era),
mystery, supernatural stories, or just good books in general, I couldn’t
recommend this book more. I would tell you what it’s about… but I don’t want
to. I want you to go out and actually read it. I had no idea what to expect
when reading this book, and I think it added to my reading experience. So, go
read this, and I hope you have as good a time as I did. Please comment below if
you loved it as much as I did.