Rock Paper Scissors by Alice Feeney A Tale of Twists that Feel Forced I’ve just completed Alice Feeney’s latest book, “Good Bad Girl,” and let me tell you, it’s the kind of read that keeps you up all night! On the other...
Devil's Way by Robert Bryndza Never a Dull Moment If you’re a fan of Robert Byndza’s Erika Foster series, then you’ll surely love Kate Marshall as well. Even if you haven’t read either series yet, but enjoy a well-written...
Don't Look for Me by Wendy Walker Interesting Page Turner This is one of the better books that I have read this year. I have read The Night Before by Wendy Walker which I loved and this is no different. I can for sure get behind the obsession that...
Water Under the Bridge: By Britney King Love and Marriage and Killing! Did I enjoy this book? Did it confuse me? Yes, to both of those questions now my big dilemma what do I say without giving away too much. 4 stars for Jude and Kate the killer...
Past Meets Present Okay so I have a confession it is 2am and I just finished this after reading The Mist. I bought this for book for someone for Christmas and after doing a deep clean of my shelves on Scribd. So I thought oh cool I can read...