Need to Make More Time for Romance
I know you are looking at this title and thinking how do I not have enough for Romance? What I am saying is that I haven’t made friends with the genre as much as I would like to. Admittedly I have to say Penelope Douglas is slowly shifting my gears. I read this with my friend Anna and somehow, she couldn’t get into it as much as I did because I had it finished in a day and she is still working on it. Sadly, I don’t know if she finished it. I loved the dark atmosphere and the romantic undertones that Ms. Douglas writes so beautifully. I haven’t fully gotten a feel for her writing style just yet, but to me, it seems that she loves to push her characters to their maximum limit and then go a bit further just for good measure. (my kind of book)
Rika (Erika) is treated like a fragile child. She is protected by those around her at all times. She is constantly being held back and she needs to spread her wings and fly. Then one-night Rika steps out on her own and stands up for herself, showing just how much people have underestimated her all this time. This is the first time she has shown her inner strength and it does not go unnoticed especially by Michael who I loved. Michael is always indifferent around Rika like she doesn’t exist. It felt like it was that Katy Perry song Hot and Cold at times. Each chapter is taken from either perspective and it adds so much to the story.Throughout the story, we are taken back to a particular day, three years earlier. This is a day that had a huge impact on Rika, Michael and his friends. It is that day, that lays the foundation for the turmoil that takes place between the cast of characters. Along with the suspense angle, there is also the ‘will they, won’t they’ between Rika and Michael. There is so much more that I can say about this story but I don’t want to ruin it for anyone. I will say that I am hoping to read book two in the early days of 2020.